Well, Actually I came from CORBA so EJB wasn't a big deal. I had "Hello World" up in 2 
hours. I'm looking for a front end to an
application that will be the core of a book I'm writing. The content of the book is 
all about the EJB side and I wanted a powerful
but fast front end. Doesn't look like I'm gonna get my wish. And Honestly I don't have 
a month to blow.

-- Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 7:28 AM
Subject: RE: The simplest possible cocoon application?

> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jeff Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Cocoon Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:02 AM
> > Subject: Re: The simplest possible cocoon application?
> >
> > > On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 05:21:13AM +0100, Robert Simmons wrote:
> > > > I currently have the cocoon war installed on my JBoss 3.0.4 server. It
> > > > works fine. I deployed a second war file that contains an XML and an
> > > > XSL. The XML has an embedded xsl:stylesheet processing instruction.
> > >
> > > Embedded stylesheets are very unusual.. are you sure it's
> > Cocoon applying
> > > the embedded stylesheet, or the web browser?
> >
> > Hmm, how could I tell? What would you use if you didnt embedd the
> > stylesheet into the XML? Oh, I get it, the pipeline tells it what
> > transform to make ?
> >
> > Addendum: I undeployed cocoon from jboss and the transform still
> > worked. Must be the browser doing it. OOK .. =) Now I feel like i
> > actually know LESS than before.
> Bingo.  My understanding is that Cocoon1 used/allowed embedded stylesheets
> but cocoon2 ignores them because they tie you to one view.
> > > > Ok so here is the question. I am now thinking of doing something a bit
> > > > more than static XML pages. What would be the bare minimum? Do I have
> > > > to copy the cocoon war and all the libs in it to another deployment or
> > > > can I use the jars already deployed in the war?
> Much of what ships with cocoon is optional - at this stage there is a
> "kitchen sink" philosophy for distribution: everything is turned on by
> default, every optional part is included by default.  Good for showcasing
> but obviously not needed for deployment.  The binary distributions will come
> like this, so you may want to consider building from source and specifying
> build properties so that only what you need is built.
> If you have a source distribution or cvs checkout, look in the lib directory
> and you'll see (at least) two directories.  Obviously everything in
> "optional" can be removed if it looks like something you don't need
> (probably a lot).  The old build system (2.0.3 and maybe 2.0.4) relied on
> the presence of those jars to determine what you wanted included.
> If you're using 2.1 dev, have a look at properties.xml in the main
> directory.  This is where build properties are specified.  Not sure if
> you're familiar with ant, but the way its properties work you can override
> those settings without modifying the file by including a .ant.properties
> file in that directory (or in your home directory) and those will take
> precedence.  Those files have a different format by the way.  Unfortunately,
> you can't undefine a property and the build in some places relies on the
> presence of a property to determine behavior (at least it used to) so there
> you'll be stuck modifying the original file.
> There is a new concept aimed at separating core elements from optional ones
> called "blocks".
> This provides even more ability to trim out unneeded elements, but I think
> it's only in 2.1 (although it may be in 2.0.4?).  properties.xml specifies
> which blocks to build.
> > >
> > > Each war has one main sitemap.  Each sitemap can have lots of different
> > > pipelines.  Where did the 'second war file' you mention come from?  Did
> > > you copy the sitemap and WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf from the Cocoon samples
> > > war?
> > >
> >
> > What I mean is that, if possible, I dont want to copy the whole
> > MASSIVE jar library in the cocoon distribution war into every
> > blasted web app that I create.
> Trimming the size of the webapp as described above will help, but also
> consider
> whether you need each to be a separate webapp, or can deploy them within one
> cocoon
> instance.  The cocoon concept of "mounted" sub-sitemaps get you a lot of
> what you'd
> want with separate webapps.  Maybe if you voice a few specific issues others
> can
> help figure out whether this solution will work for you.
> > The thing thats stumping the
> > newbie here is how a user uses it. It almost seems like i have to be
> > practically a dveloper on cocoon to use it. I honestly dont care
> > how it works, I just ultimately want to write come generators that
> > smack a EJB and spit out XML that then gets transformed.
> Well, that's pretty easy.  I'd suggest first starting with static xml files
> using the wiki page Jeff provided to get the basics of using the sitemap and
> pipelines, then try building a  few simple generators following the tutorial
> (http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/tutorial/tutorial-generator.html).  Then you
> should be able to  use your EJBs in generators.
> > Basically what i have right now is a normal java servlet that builds a dom
> > document, serializes it to xml and trusts the xsl transform to
> > put out the html and so on.
> One option would be to reuse much of the existing code and use the dom in
> your generator.  Cocoon2 is built around SAX though and you may get better
> performance (and use less memory) by going that route.  If by serializing to
> xml you mean it outputs a string, or character stream, you definitely want
> to get that step out of the new code - you lose the benefit of the pipeline
> architecture.
> > The servlet has a massive number of
> > methods from all the commands being handeled.
> I'm assuming by command you're referring to a MVC type scenario.  Cocoon is
> so flexible on how to accomplish that as to be confusing.  You'll need some
> combination of Matchers, Actions, and Selectors to determine flow.  There is
> a new method called "flow" but it is probably not yet mature enough for your
> taste.
> > I want to nuke that
> > servlet and instead write cocoon generators to spit out the xml
> > and then let cocoon do its magic. However after 12 hours of
> > reading, Im still a tad lost.
> Ask some specific questions.
> > > > Note. The lack of truly newbie cocoon documentation is appalling.
> > >
> > > Fortunately we have a Wiki where anyone can document things.  This page
> > > looks quite relevant to your question:
> > >
> >
> > I will read it ... but I have to say that this looks liek a very
> > powerful front end that once you know it, it is great. Prior to
> > that there is ALLOT of head scratching. And I dont think im any
> > lightweight at programmign either.
> Well, I'd suggest buying one of the three books available on cocoon.  I've
> looked at all three but don't own any so can't give you suggestions except
> that they all look good (with the warning that because of publishing cycles
> they're all probably out of date in some areas but the authors are active on
> the cocoon lists)
> The concepts are new and in many places sophisticated but not impossible to
> grasp - and since most of your logic is already encapsulated elsewhere
> you're not going to need a mile deep knowlege.  You certainly didn't learn
> EJB's in 12 hours?
> > > http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=SimpleTransformations
> Yes, that's probably a good place to start.
> Geoff Howard
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