> Robert Simmons dijo:
> >No professional dev wants, or has the time, to blow 2 to
> > three weeks just to get separation of logic and presentation.
> How you think a Professional developer do that? I ended my Master Degree
> in Computer Science in 1995 just before Java hits the streets and Windows
> 95 was just at beta release? How do you think I am here now?
> > Too high of a price for too little gain.
> Please if you said that phrase you dont really understand what is in the
> game. I recommend you to check how this little grain affect totally the
> Web machinery at all. I recommend you to read the second chapter of the
> Carsten Matthew book:  XML: Building XML Applications. You can find it at
> amazon.com

Well, I dont think you understand the pressures in professional circles to meet 
deadlines. In the open source world, you have all
the time in the world to screw with things. When using a product in a working business 
deadlines get in the way of doing things the
"right" way. This is an explanation of why .NET has been successful. Its a cheap piece 
of garbage, but its easy to get started.
Noone wants to be an expert in 10 hours but they at leat want to have somethign of a 

> > Powerful? I believe you. I believe its powerful. Scalable? I don't know.
> Scalable? Please, just check JBoss.org and answer yourself the question.
> > The Wiki page runs very slow for me and a tutorial linked to me from the
> > IBM site (which was done in cocoon) was taking 10 to 15 seconds per page
> > to render.
> This is an issue for your computer and/or Internet connection.

I dont knwo the cuase but it isnt my isp.

> I live in
> Managua, Nicaragua. Maybe it is so far that you dont know where is it. But
> the wiki takes me less that 3 secs. Of course I use Red Hat Linux 8.0 and
> Mozilla that is faster than MS IE. Sometimes I go down and use a Windows
> machine, but I always use Mozilla, because it is faster.
> Check http://www.mozilla.org

Great. You like mozilla. Do me a favor and go out there and convince all the bluechip 
companies to switch. You may not like
microsoft but in a business world you have to deal with it. Whether that is bad or 
good is irrlevant.

> > Put that in production and your company can kiss sales
> > goodbye. Internet users are impatient and any guy with a DSL isn't going
> > to wait 15 seconds for your page.
> This is a developers issue, not a Cocoon issue. There are many books
> related about web design. How to improve performance using CSS, etc. Take
> a look at that technology and tell me how slow it is.

What CSS has to do with my question is beyond me.

> > User friendly? You've got to be joking.
> What? Cocoon? Well, here I think you must first understand the philosophy
> behind Cocoon and after that we can talk about that.

No no no. You arent gettign it. People dont WANT to understand the philosophy. Do I 
have to understand the JBoss development
philosophy to use it? Nope. What about Ant? Again nope. What about Tomcat? Agin the 
answer is no. You dont seem to be able to
separate the cocoon developer from the cocoon user. One is trying to contribute to the 
cocoon project but the rest of us just want
to use it to snap up a pipeline in 15 min. We honestly couldnt care less what the 
philosophy of its internal design is. Its
irrlevant to us. I get paid for makign applications for my company, not for learnign 
the concept of cocoon. If I have to learn the
philosophy behind how a tool is developed, that tool simply wont make the production 
schedule. Business life is hard. In addition,
according to object oriented philosophy, I shouldnt have to know the philosophy behind 
a tool. Cocoon should be a black box that i
can use to wire together sitemaps. The only time I need know anything is the interface 
I have to implement to design a new generator
and what xml file to declare it in. If someone asks me "how does cocoon work?" I 
should be able to say "beats me but it does." You
can bet that when .NET puts out their product it will be like that. Knowing Microsoft 
the product will be utter crap. However it
will trounce cocoon into the dust and people such as yourself will be staring at the 
carnage and saying "but WHY!!!???" The answer
is the same reason why many awesome technologies have never worked. They failed to 
attract interest and customers and never evolved.

> Windows makes us too lazy, we want to do all just clicking a mouse.

Welcome to business life reality. Your geek based (and I mean that as a complement) 
idealism jsut flat doesnt pay the bills.

> > No, I don't want to take up any more time from folks. I just simply
> > don't have the time to mess with it. Reading config files and figuring
> > out how the hell to build a new application just isn't what I want to do
> > a very trivial part of my project with.
> I will see you back again. Maybe the next year, how knows, but if you will
> stay at the development arena, you soon or late will be faced again with
> this technology. Please, Take a note of that.

Probably not. You have about the same amout of time to revolutionize cocoon to be an 
easy thing to use as it takes Microsoft to
write competition. Deal with it. Its a reality. If they put out a "cocoon" that is a 
piece of crap with half the functionality of
this one but weasy to use and deploy, than they will blast this product right out the 
market. Microsoft understands the need for
Jumpstarts and quick starts. If cocoon is to survive, it needs to change tactics fast. 
Away from "download nad build the source and
then do steps one through 600 and you will finally see a hello page." To, "well, run 
the ant install script with your tomcat
directory as a property, than biuld a new sie using the basic example and oyu should 
have a hello-world up in about 5 min."

Right now I just finished downloadign cocoon from cvs. The bloody source is 61 megs. 
That is a burning problem right there. One need
not go any further.

Now im not attacking your baby. Im merely pointing out the need to teach your baby 
some tricks.

> Best Regards,
> Antonio Gallardo.


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