On 21.Feb.2003 -- 02:53 PM, Am?lie Cordier wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I'm trying to run mod-db example (the one with users and groups) using
> PostgreSQL.
> Currently, everything work perfectly except the autoincrement attribute.
> The error I have is this one :
> |org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.output.OutputModule:  ="ERROR:
> parser: parse error at or near "call" "
> I read in the mailing list archive a lot of interesting things but I had
> not found any clue to solve my problem.
> Is there anybody who can help me?

You have most likely forgotten to switch to the correct autoincrement
module in cocoon.xconf and hence are using the default for HSQLDB. If
you really need to support different RDBMS, follow the instructions in
cocoon.xconf on how to do it. Search for "PgsqlAutoIcrementModule".

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