> Hi Amelie:
> Sorry for the delay. I was not clear what was you problem.... :-(

Hello Antonio,

In fact, I had a lot of problems that I sloved by using the latest CVS
version as you suggest it to me... so thanks a lot.

> 1-The pointed by Christian is correct, in cocoon.xconf check you have:
> <autoincrement-modules>
>   <component-instance
>     logger="core.modules.auto"
>     name="auto"
> class="org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.database.PgsqlAutoIncrementModule"/>
> </autoincrement-modules>

Yes, that was excatly my problem... thanks to Christian everything works
perfectly now.

I think the name of the table "user" should be changed in the mod-db
example of cocoon because it is a problem for those who want to run it
with postgresql. And using a trick like "user" to create the table is not
totally clear.

Furthermore, I think it would be nice to change a SQL request that don't
work with postgresql. In the edit-groups file, it is the request that fill
the "current groups" list. I suggest something like that :

select gid, gname from groups where gid in (select gid from users_groups
where uid=<esql:parameter
type="int"><xsp:expr>uid</xsp:expr></esql:parameter>) order by gname

Those changes should be interesting for newbies like me I think :)

May be I should send this message to the cocoon-dev mailing list?



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