Is there any reason, why the src-attribute is not used in the new implementation? Backwards compatibility could not be the reason, because as you can see for my example, it only breaks the working without any claiming on the changed configuration. And if it is the general configuration scheme (not using attributes, but the text nodes), why src-attribute is not completely deactivated or at least throwing a warning?

Hmm, I had a look on the FOPSerializer and saw the deprecated url resolving. I tried to jump into the excalibur sourceresolve water, but the water is to deep, I got lost ;-) I would need Carsten's help or an already working example of the new source resolving.

Of course I can provide a patch for the userdocs. I will have a look on it in the next days. But what about Javadoc? I don't know what to do ...



Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Vadim, can you please add the changed configuration of pdf serializer to the documentation? There is only the src-attribute mentioned.

Not only documentation is outdated... Javadoc is missing too!

Care to provide a patch? ;-)


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