>> And,by the way, I do want to modifiy the wiki page but I need to make
>> it work first... :)
> :-)
>> Here is what I've done so far :
> <snip what="correct code"/>
>> The two descriptions work independently, I've check them both...but
>> when  they are together in the file, only the first one works
>> ("inscrit").
> How do you know it doesn't work?

I've two forms : one to fill the DB according to the first description and
the other to fill it according to the second one... when I use the 2
separately it works...

I made an "ultimate" test :

<table name="incrit">
<!-- ... -->

<table-set name="inscrit">
   <table name="inscrit"/>

=> OK

<table name="incrit" alias="inscrit2>
<!-- ... -->

<table-set name="inscrit">
   <table name="inscrit2"/>

=> KO... :( :(

> Anyway, you might want
> to explicitly refer to a request parameter or disable inclusion of the
> table name for the automatic parameter name guessing.

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you want me to do here... Is there a
way to change the behaviour of alias ?

Anyway, thanks again for all thoses tips...


> If the two definitions were different, you would be able to see
> different SQL statements.
>       Chris.
> --
> C h r i s t i a n       H a u l
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