On 11.Jun.2003 -- 03:42 PM, Amelie Cordier wrote:
> > How do you know it doesn't work?
> I've two forms : one to fill the DB according to the first description and
> the other to fill it according to the second one... when I use the 2
> separately it works...

If you use the default parameter names, change the input fields to
@name="incrit2.foo" instead of @name="incrit.foo". I reckon it will
work then.

> > Anyway, you might want
> > to explicitly refer to a request parameter or disable inclusion of the
> > table name for the automatic parameter name guessing.
> I'm sorry but I don't understand what you want me to do here... Is there a
> way to change the behaviour of alias ?

You could add <append-table-name>false</append-table-name> to the
configuration of the actions and they will use "foo" instead of
"incrit.foo" or "incrit2.foo" thus you don't have to worry about
this. Or you could do

  <table name="incrit" alias="incrit2">
       <value name="foo" type="string">
         <mode type="all" name="request-param">

IOW set the name explicitly. We could consider changing the way the
default name is constructed or make it configurable at least.
IMHO dropping the table name from the parameter name would be the best

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