On Dec 3, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Thanks, Chad, it does help. And I think it helps me understand why I was a bit confused by the suggestion, but let me see if I've gotten it:

I asked about COinS. COinS (drat, hate uplow, from now on just coins) is basically just a formatted string imbedded in the html that will be used by an external program. There is no service that the OL site needs to provide other than popping the context object in there in the right format. Very low effort, from the open library's point of view.

unAPI appears to require some lightweight services that would have to be added to the OL site: basically, responding to the three possible unapi requests. So we can't *just* add an unAPI to the html pages -- there's a bit more work that needs to be done.

Yes, you are correct. unAPI does require that you implement some kind of unAPI "server".

Is this correct?


Chad Fennell wrote:
On Dec 2, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

I've looked at unAPI, but I can't get a handle on what needs to be in the <abbr>. What would be useful?


I put together a pretty basic unAPI interface (technically, a Drupal module) for our EthicShare project; you can see how the <abbr> tags are used there. Ex:


embedded on the page, you'll find things like: <abbr class='unapi- id' title='http://ethicshare.org/unapi/374360'>

There are a few other pieces, but you can see these in action there as well. Ex,

http://ethicshare.org/unapi/ -tells clients what formats are available on the sever - I've only implemented RIS so far...

http://ethicshare.org/unapi/?id=374360 - tells the client what formats are available for a given resource.

http://ethicshare.org/unapi/?id=374360&format=ris - kind of self- explanatory.

Hope that helps a little...


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kcoyle.net
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

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