If our bandwidth issues on campus get resolved, we'd offer our site, too.
> Our Valley Center for Performing Arts has a smaller theater on the lower
> level that could work. Exploratory site visits welcome.

I may be alone on this, but I don't see low bandwidth as a dealbuster.

Sharing ideas and doing work takes very little -- it's not until people
start sharing large files, streaming video, and the like that it really
takes much at all. Plus nowadays, bringing your internet with you is easy
as well as being a good way to avoid access and policy issues.

I'm not sure why it's even desirable to presume that everyone relies on the
same pipe as it only increases problems if things go wrong.

On the registration management issue, a few folks are putting together a
conference in our neck of the woods next year. My understanding is that the
price of admission will be a proposal. I find the concept attractive
because the presumption is that everyone brings something to the mix and is
not just there to listen

People could offer an idea for a presentation, lightning talk, or whatever.
It doesn't have to be great -- just something to share. I suspect that such
a requirement might by itself reduce numbers enough to let everyone in.
Voting or some other mechanism is used to figure out who actually has to
get out in front.


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