Hi all,
We are about to develop a set of style-guids and templates for our locally 
developed applications that will have a unified look and feel.  One 
manifestation of this will be a ruby gem that we will use for all of our rails 
apps (including Blacklight and Hydra applications).

As we were discussing the approaches we may take for this, the question of 
basing our designs on a library such as Bootstrap or Foundation came up.  I 
have heard a lot about Bootstrap in the C4L community, but very little about 
Foundation.  Does anybody here have extensive experience w/ both libraries and 
would recommend one over the other?

We are already leaning towards Bootstrap as many in the Blacklight and Hydra 
communities have expressed interest or are using it already.  Also, some folks 
locally who have used or investigated both libraries have had positive 
experiences in either case.

Understanding that this may be boil down to a simple matter of taste, I wonder 
what opinions you all have.

Thank you,
- Jessie Keck
Stanford University

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