
Bootstrap and Foundation were a bit overkill for our needs, so we rolled our 
own UI pattern library for CSS based on the MailChimp UI Pattern Library:

It's on Github, if you want a closer look: 

Matthew Reidsma
Web Librarian @
616-331-3577 :: @mreidsma

Why is this email so short? ::

On Friday, May 11, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Ross Singer wrote:

> Hi Jessie,
> We've been using Bootstrap for a couple of our projects at Talis and I have 
> been incredibly pleased with it. I have zero design sense (designed by East 
> German engineers for East German engineers - no offense to East German 
> engineers), and Bootstrap manages to make my clumsy, ham-handed, 
> functionality-first-aesthetic-never designs, look decent (even if they *all* 
> look like Twitter's demo app). If I can do nothing else, design-wise, I can 
> add to 12 (usually).
> I haven't used Foundation, but that being said, looking over the 
> documentation for it, I don't see any fundamental differences between it or 
> Bootstrap functionality-wise. What I *do* see, offhand, is much better 
> documentation regarding the css being introduced. Bootstrap's documentation 
> is (overall) pretty good, but I feel there are TONS of UI thingies in the css 
> that aren't mentioned in the docs and my desire to trawl through the css and 
> try things (or understand by looking at it) just isn't there.
> So, basically, I think it doesn't make much of a difference either way, but 
> the documentation-thing *seems* (at-a-glance) to possibly favor Foundation 
> (although Bootstrap may be better in the things it has documentation for - 
> not sure).
> -Ross.
> On May 10, 2012, at 7:17 PM, Jessie Keck wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > We are about to develop a set of style-guids and templates for our locally 
> > developed applications that will have a unified look and feel. One 
> > manifestation of this will be a ruby gem that we will use for all of our 
> > rails apps (including Blacklight and Hydra applications).
> > 
> > As we were discussing the approaches we may take for this, the question of 
> > basing our designs on a library such as Bootstrap or Foundation came up. I 
> > have heard a lot about Bootstrap in the C4L community, but very little 
> > about Foundation. Does anybody here have extensive experience w/ both 
> > libraries and would recommend one over the other?
> > 
> > We are already leaning towards Bootstrap as many in the Blacklight and 
> > Hydra communities have expressed interest or are using it already. Also, 
> > some folks locally who have used or investigated both libraries have had 
> > positive experiences in either case.
> > 
> > Understanding that this may be boil down to a simple matter of taste, I 
> > wonder what opinions you all have.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > - Jessie Keck
> > Stanford University
> > 

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