Hi all,
    I know I sent y'all an email earlier pertaining to the new Oper features in 
ircu2.10.xx, I wanted to make it clear that I know now I misunderstood these features, 
due to lack of doc's etc, I have a question pertaining to it.. I've been told on a 1 
server network, it would work fine, what if you were to code it into every server 
compiled and connected to the network, would it be feasable that the servers would not 
reject eachother's mode set's, etc? I'm not sure, I'm thinking it would require a bit 
more coding that I've done. *LOL* Just thought I'd get some input.
    I was also curious to know if anyone would be willing to give me some tips on 
TCP/IP programming, more or less, pertaining to coding my own Cservice bot (more like 
an Eggdrop rather than X). I have the old Uworld P9 code, I've been readin through it 
all, and from the looks of it, including some test Telnet sessions to my personal 
server, I have a good rough idea of how to code one now, but I'm still running into 
things, I have yet to get my test program past the registration process, I can't seem 
to get it to do a PONG back w/ the # that was given by the server, it's not copying 
into the array correctly or something, anyway, any help you would be willing to 
provide would be *much* appreciated.

Chris Gatewood

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