> I've read the RFC 2812 and 2813, and found out, that the RFC actually
> mentions setting exception lists and invite lists in channels (+ie
> followed by a mask), and found out that the ircu doesn't support this.
> I'm using the QuakeNet network which runs ircu, but with a patch, and
> I'm not aware, if it's their patch that removes the support, but I
> wouldn't think so.
> Just a little question I would like to ask.

Those two RFCs, along with their sibling RFCs, were written by the IRCnet
coding team without consulting any of the other existing IRC networks or
their coding teams, including the Undernet Coder Committee.  This was very
bad form for them, and likely to lead to confusion such as yours, but it's
been done.  No, ircu does not support the channel mode +e, nor does it
support a +I mode.  We may support those in the future, depending on a
large number of factors, but we are explicitly ignoring those four RFCs as
non-binding, since they're only informational.

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