>>  Hi, where can i get the latest ircu for  windows?
> I'm not sure what the url is, but it is pretty old, you're probably
> better off installing Linux or FreeBSD and using ircu on that. The
> last ircu port for Windows was 2.10.02 or thereabouts ... :/

Last  time  I  checked,  there was a download for the ircu2.10.02 from
www.wircds.com  for  Windows.  There are a few different IRCds on that
site  too,  all  under  the downloads page, using the drop down lists,
along  with  various  services for the servers. But as suggested, it's
probably  best  to  run  it  on a linux or FreeBSD system, and get the
latest version from the coder-com website.

> It -should- be possible to get ircu to work with windows, perhaps
> with cygwin, with a certain amount of work. I seem to recall there
> being a rather large list of said work, though.

I  tried  compiling  in cygwin, and got a few errors, and takes a fair
bit of work to get around them (not that easy if you're not a coder...
like me ;)

I  do  hope  I  didn't overstep my mark as an observer on this list, I
thought  I could contribute with this little extra bit, seeing as I've
done some work with windows based IRCds recently.


| Those who make peaceful revolution      |
| impossible will make violent revolution |
| inevitable                              |

-----Original Message-----
From: Amarande [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001
To: thegoblin [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Coder-Com]

> At 06:57 PM 9/15/01 +0200, you wrote:
>>   Hi, where can i get the latest ircu for  windows?

> I'm not sure what the url is, but it is pretty old, you're probably
> better off installing Linux or FreeBSD and using ircu on that. The
> last ircu port for Windows was 2.10.02 or thereabouts ... :/

> It -should- be possible to get ircu to work with windows, perhaps
> with cygwin, with a certain amount of work. I seem to recall there
> being a rather large list of said work, though.

> If you -really- want to try ircd on windows (I HIGHLY recommend
> Linux instead), you -might- try Hybrid. IIRC, I managed to get Hybrid
> to almost completely compile, the only reason I never got to test it
> being that I could not find a suitable libresolv to link with. (I.e.,
> it took a minimum of coaxing for the .c files to compile, but without
> libresolv.dll, no dice on the final executable ...)

> (Guys, maybe we should have a FAQ with this kind of stuff in it? ...
> We seem to get this query once every month or two at least ...)

> -- Amarande

------End of Message------

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