Hi, my name is Cristian and i have some ideas. Maybe there are some ppl who told you 
this but im not sure, so.. :
My idea is referring to hide users adresses. In the last time Undernet have many many 
users, and many of them are using this network just to get hosts to make problems, you 
know.. in every day are problems, help-channels are full of ppl who need help because 
somebody is attaking their addresses. 
In other Networks (not using ircu) ppl are protected with this way. anyway i love this 
ircu, is the best, really. 
And now im little adventurous.
my second idea reffering to create a bot logged as oper, sure with a fake address and 
when server are going in split this bot must auto-relink. 
In my network where i have a server linked we have a bot like this. I dont know if 
Undernet have a same bot, if Undernet have one.. sorry i didn`t know :-).

Hey, don`t forget! these are just ideas :P. 
Im waiting an replay, doesen`t matter about what will be this replay.
Take care guys and girls. Undernet is great.


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