Dave, ya right, but there is still an issue within the +x model undernet
will use, issue is a users hosts gets 'hidden' *AFTER* he successfully
authed with X, so that system is actually kinda useless in my opinion.

Problem is that users will still be 'nukable' since there IP does not get
hidden upon connect and joining channels thus still showing there TRUE ip.

Forced +x mode upon connect using a default hostmask (for example :
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) if a user doesn't want this feature then he can
still do a -x afterwards, then it's up to the user to take care of his

The other fact is that ircu sets the new host by emulating a quit/rejoin of
the user, thus showing quits all over the channels. Kinda irritating if you
got 70k users constantly reauthing etc. I think it will put a hell lot more
stress on the server handling then if you would handle the hostchange
internally, also imagine that clients also have event handlers, some of them
might return output after a join/quit, thus increasing the bandwidth usage
dramatically as well. Handling it internally like other ircd's already do
releases that pressure.

Another thing is: why do you actually use
<currentident>@<AC-id>.users.undernet.org and not <AC-id>@users.undernet.org
? For opers it might become <AC-id>@opers.undernet.org.

Another stupid idea ? No, just think about it, I did, now it's your turn to
think about it as well...

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