On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Chojin wrote:

> I mean fingerprint is a sort a computer id and if I gline a users with
> *@*.aol.com with his fingeprint, even if user changes his IP (with isp
> reconnection) he is still glined because his fingerprint is glined. Other
> users from aol can join.

        OK, I see what you're talking about now, but how would you go
about generating a fingerprint?  Baring in mind that we have no access to
their local system to use details such as CPU ID...and we likely never
will have either (I'm not sure I'd want that information from the users).

        The only way I can see of doing it would involve a Client <->
Server protocol change to allow the sending of a FINGERPRINT :<some
hash> during the connection phase...but this would be so easy to fake
(you could just generate a random fingerprint) that it would be
totaly useless.

> Chojin

Chris "_Shad0w_" Crowther

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