On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 02:32:46PM +0100, Chris Crowther wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Chojin wrote:
> > I mean fingerprint is a sort a computer id and if I gline a users with
> > *@*.aol.com with his fingeprint, even if user changes his IP (with isp
> > reconnection) he is still glined because his fingerprint is glined. Other
> > users from aol can join.
>       OK, I see what you're talking about now, but how would you go
> about generating a fingerprint?  Baring in mind that we have no access to
> their local system to use details such as CPU ID...and we likely never
> will have either (I'm not sure I'd want that information from the users).
>       The only way I can see of doing it would involve a Client <->
> Server protocol change to allow the sending of a FINGERPRINT :<some
> hash> during the connection phase...but this would be so easy to fake
> (you could just generate a random fingerprint) that it would be
> totaly useless.

Perhaps he means something like my EAID.
See chapter 'Identities' on http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/irc/run-irc.htm
for the design.

Basically that means that all users have to register somehow somewhere
and practically it means that a working e-mail adress is thrown into
the equation for authentication.


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