On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Carlo Wood wrote:

> Basically that means that all users have to register somehow somewhere
> and practically it means that a working e-mail adress is thrown into
> the equation for authentication.

        Well we have that with the channel service, with the +r mode we
could possibly also add the ability to ban by X username.  Although even
that can be gotten around by creating more than one X account, so the
truely persistant will still be able to get around the ban.

        The weak point is essentialy stopping people registering more than
one account, or if they do, linking those multiple accounts so that
X/whatever knows they're the same person and the applies the ban to both;
but you can only really link them if they use the same e-mail adress for
both...do CSC allow the freebie e-mail addresses for registration nowdays
or are they still blacklisted?

        I'm thinking outloud here :)

Chris "_Shad0w_" Crowther

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