ah!.. that's the part i didn't know

tanks for the info

but the idea to advertize it as soon as you login to X remain :o)

tanks again,

- Alocin

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : nighty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoye : Le vendredi 19 avril 2002 12:03
> A : Alocin; Undernet Coder Comitee
> Objet : RE: [Coder-Com] username in /whois?? please remove!
> At 11:18 19/04/2002 -0400, Alocin wrote:
> >Just a question, not really on X behavior, but on the new way the servers
> >will hide the username...
> >
> >Will there be a way (a command) to choose not to set it?
> >
> >I mean if i log into X but doesn't want my host to look like
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... will there be a
> >'/restoremyhostname' or so?
> >
> >Or better then that, as it will have major consequences on littles bots,
> >scripts, and all those things using the hostname as an
> authentification for
> >some channel utilities... Maybe X could simply advertize a
> command to hide
> >your host as soon as you log in...
> >
> >/msg x login myuser mypass
> >-X- Authentification successfull (...)
> >-X- You could now use /hide to hide your hostname
> >
> >Anyway... i don't even know if this is already done... my
> question is 'how
> >do you intend to make the hiding of the hostname work?'
> >
> >Tanks,
> Hi,
> As far as i know when you
> /msg [EMAIL PROTECTED] login my_login my_pass
> you keep exactly the host you had .. but you need to
> /mode your_nick +x
> to enable the "host faking" (@my_login.users.undernet.org)
> Note: to avoid breaking clients, setting (or unsetting afaik) this mode
> will make you PART
> any channel you joined in the meanwhile.
> regards,
> >- Alocin
> --    nighty / [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Paris.Fr.Eu.Undernet.Org
> --    web: http://nighty.roots.org/

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