In light of the recent events (on more networks then Undernet), I have personally set up a channel called #S.A.L.T. It is a help channel for people who have gone through DoS attacks, have been Nuked, Trojaned, or hacked in any other way. #S.A.L.T, named after the famous pact between the US and USSR for the cease of Nuclear Weapons manufacturing, is here to provide help and support for those coping with a DoS attacker.

We are also looking for staffmembers! We need a few people who are skilled in counter-hacking, and can also maintain a channel BTW...if you're an oper we need you more then ever (Why? Because users come to #S.A.L.T to report DoS attackers or tips on DoS attackers..we need Opers to G-Line these attackers). E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information!

- Necromncr

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