You're right, but they'll never be able to come on Undernet ever again!

Our channel is made, btw, to aid people in tracking down DoS attackers and catching them dead in their tracks.

- Tom

Larry Kaeto wrote:


your post just sucked bigtime.

even if they were g:lined they could still DoS the IP, so the g:line would
just be a tiny obstacle for them ...

- wensu

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 12:57 PM
Subject: [Coder-Com] Support Channel announcement..opers please go there!


In light of the recent events (on more networks then Undernet), I have
personally set up a channel called #S.A.L.T. It is a help channel for
people who have gone through DoS attacks, have been Nuked, Trojaned, or
hacked in any other way. #S.A.L.T, named after the famous pact between
the US and USSR for the cease of Nuclear Weapons manufacturing, is here
to provide help and support for those coping with a DoS attacker.

We are also looking for staffmembers! We need a few people who are
skilled in counter-hacking, and can also maintain a channel BTW...if
you're an oper we need you more then ever (Why? Because users come to
#S.A.L.T to report DoS attackers or tips on DoS attackers..we need Opers
to G-Line these attackers). E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
more information!

- Necromncr

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