> Kev wrote:
> > > I recommend storing the away message locally only, making it only
> > > available on a /whois <nick> <nick>, and using a user mode (+a) to
> > > mark the user away remotely.  This should solve our HIS problems
> > > with away messages.  (Plain away messages also had potential for
> > > breaking HIS in particular ways.)
> > > --
> > > Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> bas wrote:
> >instead of a umode +a, maybe broadcasting a short fake away string like
> >"-"? saving on umode chars and hassle... (making the "is away" remote
> >whois only must be done first anyway)
> Wouldn't that still leave HIS broken (since the local server and remote 
> server would return different away messages)?

bas's suggestion would.  My scheme would drop the A server<->server token
and use the M token instead.  A few more bytes than bas's scheme, but the
advantage would be that everyone everywhere would see that the user is
away, though they wouldn't be able to see the away message until they did
a /whois <nick> <nick>
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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