On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 17:29, Perry Lorier wrote:
> Florin wrote:
> >This PART-ONLY flood can be made this way: /part #chann,#chann,#chann,
> >#chann,#chann,#chann#chann,#chann,#chann,#chann
> >
> >Now here comes the reason I mail here: I have tested this command on 
> >2 networks with hybrid Ircd and 2 networks with Ircu.
> >Guess what... this annoyance was only encountered in the Ircu networks,
> > INCLUDING Undernet.

This isn't reproducible on ircu universal (Run's fork)
(which means that it was 'added' in ircu undernet)

> >I think this is a Ircu bug afterall. And I also think that it needs a 
> >patch.

> Thank you for your report, however, in future can you send bug reports 
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'll get onto fixing this ASAP.

on ircu universal you get "can't part, not on that channel" so, moving
the "user has parted" up somewhere in the code + adding a check if it's
missing should be all thats required.

I dunno what changes there has been since universal forked (i assume
it's s**tloads) but checking other commands for similar mishaps might be
a good idea.

PS. I'm new to this ml... So.. I'm the arcnet ircd coder, and were
planning to move from universal to undernet.. Thats why I'm getting a
bit paranoid =)


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