
> M:irc.fxradio.net::Free eXtreme Radio::1

did you copy that from somewhere else? Those line formats with X: are no
longer supported by ircu 2.10.12. Just deleting the line should rid you of
that particular error.

In response to your previous posts, let me tell you that it does not good to
get agitated over people telling you to read documentation, not only because
getting worked up over stuff that happens on the internet is usually futile.
Keep in mind that the people on this list aren't paid to help you; they
answer your questions because they're motivated to do so. However, asking
questions that are easily answered by reading the documentation, or
complaining about how unhelpful everyone is, is quite detrimental to that
motivation. On the other hand, if you show that you have given the matter
some thought and tried fixing things yourself, that will not only show
others that you deserve (for lack of a better word) their help but also make
it easier to explain to you how to fix things and why the fix works like it
does (which you greatly benefit from. Understanding something is doing it
more easily next time).

# Best regards, Jan 'jast' Krueger <jast at ruby-co de>
print'text: ';l=gets;I=['%q,0-9a-f,',',','%q,(-/:[EMAIL PROTECTED],'];i="pack"+
"('H*')";l=eval("l.un#{i}[0].tr #{I}"); $><<"$><<[%q_#{l.gsub /(^
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