Thanks for the reply. I figured out that I was being a total dumb ass forgetting to set up the A record on the server! I did that and it is resolving now just fine. (It was a long coding session and I was past the point of thinking straight!) The part I am up to now is setting up the conf file to make sure I don't have any holes and/or back doors. I am setting up this server to be a stand alone chat. I will not and do not want to connect to any other servers. I want to let anyone other than known bad guys connect and I would like to set myself up as the full power OP over the whole server. Can you advise any specific settings I need to set or delete to set up a server like this?

Head Freak

At 07:24 AM 6/7/2006, you wrote:
>It clearly says that it's unable to resolve the host. If you put
> in the M:line or General block (if it's 2.10.12.*) surely
>you wouldn't be able to connect to, but the IP address of
>the server. The server name can be anything, even
>"this.domain.does.not.even.exist" - but it doesn't mean you can connect
>to this.domain.does.not.even.exist remotely, so you will have to use the
>IP address. If you really want to use some host then make sure you set
>up A record (forward) to the IP address, in other words: make sure the
>host resolves to it.
>Webmaster wrote:
>> Well I got this part figured out.  Thanks to someone smacking me in
>> the head with a brick and remind me of the command line params
>> available, I was able to debug the conf file.  Now that is working
>> just fine and the process shows as being live but I cannot connect to
>> the server.  ARGH!  I get an unable to resolve server when I try to
>> connect via mIRC.  I shut down my firewall to test to see if that was
>> an issue but no help.  I can connect to other IRC servers using the
>> same ports just fine.  Any ideas what it is that I have set wrong?
>> Thanks,
>> Head Freak
>> At 09:48 PM 6/6/2006, you wrote:
>> >I am having a problem getting my server up and running.  I think the
>> >entire process of getting the code compiled etc went just fine.  I
>> >saw no error messages along the way and it appears everything is in
>> >the appropriate place.  I am starting ircd with the -f flag to use a
>> >specific config file (./ircd -f /home/foo/bar/curly.conf).  At the
>> >command line I get no error but ircd does not start and a log file
>> >(ircd.log) is created with the following line only.
>> >
>> >
>> >[2006-6-7 1:45:48] SYSTEM [CRIT]: Failed to read configuration file
>> >/home/foo/bar/curly.conf
>> >
>> >Can someone please tell me what stupid thing it is that I am doing
>> >that causes this?  I am sure its a typical DFU thing and I will feel
>> >like a total idiot once it is pointed out to me.
>> >
>> >Thanks,
>> >Head Freak
>> >
>Dimitar Tnokovski aka Mitko
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