not what he meant...

to add users with access over 500, is the same as lower 500, however
they are not intended for channel based access, replace #channel with
* when using the adduser command ;) (thats no # either) ie /msg x
adduser * xplora 750

remuser works the same way, as well as modinfo, suspend, and access

On 3/21/07, Paulo Ricardo Stradioti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The easiest way, in my opinion, is doing it via IRC. use the FORCE command
in the channel and so you'll be able to  add users with more then 500 access

/msg x force #mychannel
/msg x adduser #mychannel user 685

>From: Alex Oniciuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Coder-com] RE: Acces to X
>Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 00:39:04 +0100
>Thanks! It worked :)
>Now another question if I may, how do I add users with aceess over 500, is
>there a module to enable in the website or can I do it on the IRC server?
>Thanks again,
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