This puzzles me, and I suppose there is a good reason for it:
Suppose I send "WALLVOICES #test :Hello voices!"
Another client in the channel sees ":<source> NOTICE @#test :+ Hello voices!"
It seems that it should logically be "+#test", although the message
portion is obviously formatted so humans can tell with ease.

I'm working on an IRC client, and it appears best to discard the
prefix as it isn't useful for much other than saying "hey, it looks
like someone is using WALLCHOPS/WALLVOICES/NOTICE @#CHAN, but I can't
be sure of which"

I'm also wondering if I can find mention of just the prefix to the
channel name in any RFCs out there (I sort of wonder how NOTICE ever
got the ability to prefix a channel with a mode's symbolic character,
since it seems like a good way to break some unaware irc clients).

Thanks to anyone who can clarify the reason for this behavior!
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