potiuk commented on PR #44486:
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/44486#issuecomment-2508397402

   > In this case, (please @potiuk correct me if I am wrong) I dont think we 
should re-join this method. _execute_task_callbacks is called in different 
methods and the separation makes sense.
   Yes. We can maybe even nicely refactor it to make more sense and rename such 
methods, place them in the "right" place etc. This should be case-by-case 
decision and that's why in #44436  I extracted all the method lists so that we 
can do it in pieces - maybe not one-by-one, but maybe file-by-file, so that we 
could review the change in a meaningful way.
   There are, for example, some cases where likely after re-joining we will be 
able to undo some of the changes made (for example there were few methods where 
we artifficially had to add  commit() where otherwise it was not needed - 
because the logic was split into "client" and "server" in a sequence of 
transctions.  By having smaller, focused commits "per-file" we can look at the 
historical changes to it and when we extracted it and decide what to do.
   Also splitting it "per-group" might be easily distributed between different 
people in this case.

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