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The "FAQ_JP" page has been changed by shot6.


- == What are SSTables and Memtables? ==
+ == SSTablesとMemtablesって何ですか? ==
- See [[MemtableSSTable]] and [[MemtableThresholds]].
+ [[MemtableSSTable]] と [[MemtableThresholds]]を見てください.
- == Why is it so hard to work with TimeUUIDType in Java? ==
+ == Javaで何故TimeUUIDTypeを使うのが難しいのでしょうか? ==
- TimeUUID's are difficult to use from java clients because java.util.UUID does 
not support generating version 1 (time-based) UUIDs.  Here is one way to work 
with them and Cassandra:
+ TimeUUIDはJavaから使うのは困難です.なぜなら、java.util.UUIDがversion 1 (time-based) 
+ しかし、Javaでも以下のようにすれば使うことは可能です.
- Use the UUID generator from:
+ まず、[[|このUUID generator]]を使います.
+ 以下の3つのメソッドはCassandraでUUIDを使う際に大変便利です.
- Below are three methods that are quite useful in working with the uuids as 
they come in and
- out of Cassandra.
- Generate a new UUID to use in a TimeUUIDType sorted column family.
+ TimeUUIDTypeでソートされるカラムファミリでUUIDを生成する.
@@ -130, +130 @@

- When you read out of cassandra your getting a byte[] that needs to be 
converted into a TimeUUID
- and since the java.util.UUID doesn't seem to have a simple way of doing this, 
pass it through
- the eaio uuid dealio again.
@@ -158, +156 @@

- When you want to actually place the UUID into the Column then you'll want to 
convert it like this.
- This method is often used in conjuntion with the getTimeUUID() mentioned 
+ 仮にカラムの中にUUIDを入れたい場合は、以下のようにします.
+ このメソッドは上で示したgetTimeUUID()との結合部分になります.

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