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The "FAQ_JP" page has been changed by shot6.


- == I delete data from Cassandra, but disk usage stays the same. What gives? ==
- Data you write to Cassandra gets persisted to SSTables. Since SSTables are 
immutable, the data can't actually be removed when you perform a delete, 
instead, a marker (also called a "tombstone") is written to indicate the 
value's new status. Never fear though, on the first compaction that occurs 
after ''GCGraceSeconds'' (hint: storage-conf.xml) have expired, the data will 
be expunged completely and the corresponding disk space recovered. See 
DistributedDeletes for more detail.
+ == Cassandraからデータを削除したのにディスク使用量は同じです.何が起こってるのでしょうか? ==
  == Why are reads slower than writes? ==

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