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The "CassandraCli" page has been changed by jeremyhanna.


  Let's get back into the shell with some options specified and create some 
- tblose@quasar:~/dev/workspaces/cassandra$ bin/cassandra-cli -host localhost 
-port 9160 -keyspace Keyspace1
+ tblose@quasar:~/dev/workspaces/cassandra$ bin/cassandra-cli -host localhost 
-port 9160
  Connected to localhost/9160
  Welcome to cassandra CLI.
  Type 'help;' or '?' for help. Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.
+ [default@unknown] use Keyspace1;
+ Authenticated to keyspace: Keyspace1
  [default@Keyspace1] set Standard2['jsmith']['first'] = 'John';
  Value inserted.
  [default@Keyspace1] set Standard2['jsmith']['last'] = 'Smith';
@@ -37, +39 @@

  [default@Keyspace1] set Standard2['jsmith']['age'] = '42';
  Value inserted.
- In the example above, we created a record in the `Standard2` column family 
using the key `jsmith`. This record has three columns, `first`, `last`, and 
`age`. Each of these commands is the equivalent to an `insert()` using the 
[[API|Thrift API]].
+ Note that before we can start adding data, we have to `use Keyspace1` to set 
our context. We created a record in the `Standard2` column family using the key 
`jsmith`. This record has three columns, `first`, `last`, and `age`. Each of 
these commands is the equivalent to an `insert()` using the [[API|Thrift API]].
- {{{
- [default@unknown] use Keyspace1;
- cassandra> set Standard2['jsmith']['first'] = 'John';
- Value inserted.
- cassandra> set Standard2['jsmith']['last'] = 'Smith';
- Value inserted.
- cassandra> set Standard2['jsmith']['age'] = '42';
- Value inserted.
- }}}
- Note that before we can start adding data, we have to `use Keyspace1` to set 
our current keyspace.
  Now let's read back the `jsmith` row to see what it contains:

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