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The "CassandraCli" page has been changed by jeremyhanna.


  In the above example we started the cli with no options. You can specify 
things like `-host`, `-port`, `-keyspace`, `-username`, `-password`, etc. Use 
`bin/cassandra-cli -?` for a full set of options.
- We went on to connect to our local Cassandra node. We created keyspace 
`Twissandra` and column family `User` with the default options. Note that with 
the column family, we used a UTF8Type comparator.  That means that the columns 
will be sorted based on UTF8Type sorting.  It also means that when the column 
names are displayed on the command-line, they will be displayed as UTF8Type 
(readable) text. For more information and options for creating column families 
type `help create column family;` on the command line. Finally, we exited from 
our cli shell.
+ We went on to connect to our local Cassandra node. We created keyspace 
`Twissandra` and column family `User`. Note that with the column family, we 
used a UTF8Type comparator.  That means that the columns will be sorted based 
on UTF8Type sorting.  It also means that when the column names are displayed on 
the command-line, they will be displayed as UTF8Type (readable) text. For more 
information and options for creating column families type `help create column 
family;` on the command line. Finally, we exited from our cli shell.
  Let's get back into the shell with some options specified and create some 

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