On 28 Oct 2016, at 04:20, Brahma Reddy Battula 
<brahmareddy.batt...@huawei.com<mailto:brahmareddy.batt...@huawei.com>> wrote:

Hi All

As we supporting the Hadoop in windows, I feel, we should have pre-commit build 
in windows( atleast in qbt).

We've never had it work too well with Windows precommit & Jenkins; maybe 
someone could volunteer to try again. What's important is not to overwhelm the 
JIRAs with noise that gets ignored.


As of now pre-commit will not run on windows, we may end up with following

1)      Test cases  can fail in windows

2)      Compilation Error (now it's failing, after HADOOP-10075)

I've not had branch-3 building for a while, though maybe it's my Windows Server 
VM that's a mess. Maybe I should rm it and grab the limited-lifespan dev box, 
then add the extra Hadoop bits 

3)      Some feature might not work

It will be good, if we catch all these at time of commit. (Prevention is better 
than cure..:) )

I think a first step would be to have scheduled builds on windows; ideally with 
people caring that they are playing up.


+1 for more windows testing

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