MySpace recently released their map-reduce implementation as opensource
(it's .NET based). MySpace as you might know is one of the few big websites
that runs on Windows.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Steve Loughran <> wrote:

> Bill Habermaas wrote:
>> It's interesting that Hadoop, being written entirely in Java, has such a
>> spotty reputation running on different platforms. I had to patch it to run
>> on AIX and need cygwin (gack!) so it will run on Windows. I'm surprised
>> nobody has thought about removing it's use of bash to run system commands
>> (which is NOT especially portable). Now that Hadoop only comes only in a
>> Java 1.6 flavor why can't it figure out disk space using the native java
>> runtime instead of executing the DF command under bash? Of course it runs
>> other system commands as well which in my opinion isn't too cool.
> It is run at scale on big linux systems, and they are the ones that
> encounter problems with 16GB heaps and exec(), various other JVM quirks that
> lead the developers to say Linux + Sun JVM only. You are free to use other
> operating systems and even JVMs (I've used JRockit with some minor logging
> problems in test runs), but you get to encounter the problems. You can and
> should submit patches back, but if you diverge from the approved standard,
> you get to retest at scale, because nobody else is going to do it for you.
> Supporting different unix versions is much easier than supporting
> windows+linux/unix, especially if you are trying to do high availability
> stuff, integrate with management tools, etc. I think it would be nice if
> Hadoop would build and run standalone on Windows without cygwin, but for all
> other actions, a more ruthless "Unix-ish only" would be harsh but make it
> easier to manage problems.
> Even in a Linux-only world, you are left with the "which distro", question
> -were there to be official apache Hadoop RPMs and .deb files, there'd be
> discussions about which platforms to support. RHEL+Centos 5.X would be the
> obvious choice, but what else?
> -steve

Harish Mallipeddi

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