I have solved the problem...I guess.  If one looks back through this thread, 
one will observe that one of the initial errors I was receiving was the 

stderr logs
 cannot execute binary file

I had misinterpreted this as an indication that the file did not have 
executable permissions.  This misinterpretation was exacerbated by the 
observation that I could not set executable permissions on an HDFS file so 
files in HDFS really truly are nonexecutable.  However, it turns out that this 
is okay because the Pipes library enables executable permissions before running 
a binary.  The symptom nevertheless suggested my initial interpretation, that 
this was a file permissions problem.

The error I was receiving above was not a file permissions problem, it was an 
architecture mismatch between the binary and the cluster nodes.  A tremendously 
labored quest has converged on a delicate build configuration which, for the 
time being, seems to work.

I'm still trying to find a way to build the binary on my Mac instead of logging 
into some remote Linux machine. I ought to be able to build a binary on the Mac 
that runs on a Linux cluster if I use the right flags and link against the 
right libraries, but so far I've had no success on that front.

Thanks for you help.


Keith Wiley               kwi...@keithwiley.com               www.keithwiley.com

"What I primarily learned in grad school is how much I *don't* know.
Consequently, I left grad school with a higher ignorance to knowledge ratio than
when I entered."
  -- Keith Wiley

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