I can use cacheFile to load .so files into the distributed cache and it works 
fine (the streaming executable links against the .so and runs), but I can't get 
it to work with -cacheArchive.  It always says it can't find the .so file.  I 
realize that if you jar a directory, the directory will be recreated when you 
unjar, but I've tried jaring a file directly.  It is easily verified that 
unjarring such a file reproduces the original file as a sibling of the jar file 
itself.  So it seems to me that cacheArchive should have transferred the jar 
file to the cwd of my task, unjarred it, and produced a .so file right there, 
but it doesn't link up with the executable.  Like I said, I know this basic 
approach works just fine with cacheFile.

What could be the problem here?  I can't easily see the files on the cluster 
since it is a remote cluster with limited access.  I don't believe I can ssh to 
any individual machine to investigate the files that are created for a 
task...but I think I have worked through the process logically and I'm not sure 
what I'm doing wrong.


Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com    music.keithwiley.com

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."
                                           --  Yoda

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