+1 for the sandbox.  Store seems like a perfectly usable component.
Have you looked at what JAMES and Slide have.  I think that also have
store impls.

Scott Sanders

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerhard Froehlich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:47 AM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: [proposal] some store components for the commons-sandbox
> Hi,
> Currently I'm working on the Cocoon store and caching. I 
> implemented some store components, that are maybe useful
> to migrate as Jakarta commons-sandbox components. 
> They mainly exist of a:
> 1. Store -> The overall interface
> 2. MRUMemoryStore -> A simple MRU Memory Store class
> 3. JispFilesystemStore -> A jisp 
> (http://www.coyotegulch.com/jisp/index.html) based
> Filesystem store!
> 4. Some helper classes (Key's, etc...)
> We use this components in the Cocoon project as a fast
> (memory) and slow (filesystem) storage implementation.
> In the moment they are Avalon based components but I 
> think they could easy changed into something more 
> "common" ;-).
> Ok, do you think this Components are a try worth to book
> into the sandbox area or just a waste of time.
> (Please give a clear NO if this useless or something
> double or whatever!)
> Thx for your time.
>   Gerhard
> PS: I'm committer in the Jakarta Avalon project and in
> the Cocoon xml-apache project.
> "Hedonist for hire... no job too easy!"
> --
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