thx for the replies (I thought this wouldn't be recognized
'cause of the heavy noise in the general list).

We (Cocoon) alway make a difference between caching and storing.
Under a Cache we do understand something like that:#
(one of those excellent RT from Stefano).

The Store components are just the end point of our caching. They
are small, fast and simple designed. As I said a MRU algorithm for
Memory storing and a B-Tree (jisp) implementation for a persistent

Ok, if you like them to test, then I ask for enough karma in the sandbox
area to commit the components.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paulo Gaspar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:25 AM
>To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
>Subject: RE: [proposal] some store components for the commons-sandbox
>I took a look at both - Commons cache when it was proposed and
>Cocoon's cache some weeks ago.
>Cocoon's cache seems to be lighter, simpler and easier to use.
>The current Commons cache seems to be larger with a lot more
>features (like the ability to have distributed caching and so
>on). Kind of an "Enterprise Solution".
>I would say they are complementary (one size does not fit all).
>Have fun,
>Paulo Gaspar
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeff Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 11:52 PM
>> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
>> Subject: Re: [proposal] some store components for the commons-sandbox
>> On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 06:46:35PM +0100, Gerhard Froehlich wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > Currently I'm working on the Cocoon store and caching. I
>> > implemented some store components, that are maybe useful
>> > to migrate as Jakarta commons-sandbox components.
>> > They mainly exist of a:
>> > 1. Store -> The overall interface
>> > 2. MRUMemoryStore -> A simple MRU Memory Store class
>> > 3. JispFilesystemStore -> A jisp
>> > (http://www.coyotegulch.com/jisp/index.html) based
>> > Filesystem store!
>> > 4. Some helper classes (Key's, etc...)
>> >
>> > We use this components in the Cocoon project as a fast
>> > (memory) and slow (filesystem) storage implementation.
>> > In the moment they are Avalon based components but I
>> > think they could easy changed into something more
>> > "common" ;-).
>> >
>> > Ok, do you think this Components are a try worth to book
>> > into the sandbox area or just a waste of time.
>> That would be very cool. I didn't know Cocoon's cache/store was
>> 'detachable' from the rest of Cocoon, but I'm glad it is (having once
>> had to manually rip out Cocoon 1's cache for a project;).
>> Btw, there is already a cache in the sandbox, which IIRC from a
>> conversation looong ago, is already pretty mature and tested. If anyone
>> knows both codebases, it would be nice to have a comparison, for the
>> benefit of users trying to choose.
>> --Jeff
>> > Thx for your time.
>> >
>> >   Gerhard
>> >
>> > PS: I'm committer in the Jakarta Avalon project and in
>> > the Cocoon xml-apache project.
>> --
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