On Tuesday, January 29, 2002, at 10:13 PM, Scott Sanders wrote:

> Inline...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:11 PM
>> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
>> Subject: Commons/Avalon [was Re: [Logging] [VOTE] Commons
>> Logging 1.0 Release]


>> Avalon predates Commons, but has a less bazaar like atmosphere(?).
> Not really a concern.  The only concern that I would have had if Avalon
> had been chosen to do the framework independent components, how
> independent they would have ultimately been with an at least partial
> bias toward IOC and Avalon?  That would have been a concern, but not a
> problem IMHO.

it would have been interesting to see if avalon and turbine could have 
worked together. i sort of think of avalon as producing definitive 
solutions. this sort of makes it hard to have components with overlapping 
aims. the arguments over validation components we've had in the commons 
were eased by the fact that accepting one solution didn't mean that other 
ones couldn't also be accepted. i don't know - maybe this means that if a 
definitive solution emerges then it might belong in avalon rather than the 

>> Given that the two projects share some part of their mandates
>> at the moment, should they integrate their internal
>> communication somewhat to ease things?
> Yes, it would help.


>> For example, when a new Avalon component or a new Commons
>> component is added, is there any form of cross-notification?
> That would be a great thing.


>> Who is the Avalon representative on the Commons project, and
>> who is the Commons representative on the Avalon project...
> I am trying to represent Commons at Avalon as of 2 weeks ago.  I am
> subscribed to avalon-dev and avalon-apps-dev.
> I think that Berin and Peter are both here in Commons land representing
> Avalon.

cool :)

>> Just ideas...
> These are good ideas.  We just need to be watchful of the greater
> community, not just Avalon, but Turbine, Cocoon, etc...

definitely good ideas, i'd say. it's a shame that i appear to have 
frightened off paulo gaspar. he seemed to have good knowledge of a wide 
variety of projects.

- robert

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