On 1/30/02 3:51 PM, "James Strachan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [snip]
>> Just to throw another log on the fire...
>> We did too in Velocity-land, and built the following, a while ago :
>> 1) Simple interface through which Velocity would happily log into any
>> supplied class/object that supported that interface.
>> 2) 'Autodetection' - when the user didn't specify the logsystem they
>> preferred, we would look for log4j or logkit in the classpath, and use
>> whatever we found.  That means that you can just put the log4j.jar or
>> logkit.jar into the classpath, and velocity will automatically log to a
> file
>> using that system.
> FWIW this is pretty close to what the commons-logger actually is and the
> itch its trying to scratch. A facade to the 'big 3' logging packages. Just
> put JDK1.4, log4j or LogKit on your classpath and it'll be used, otherwise
> System.out gets used.

Cool.  And it was in Velocity before Commons Loggers was an unattributed
gleam in someone eye :)

(sorry - just *couldn't* resist )

Now all it needs is the auto-find feature...

(And I still don't see a point to rip anything out of Velocity :)

Geir Magnusson Jr.                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
You're going to end up getting pissed at your software
anyway, so you might as well not pay for it. Try Open Source.

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