Hi Thomas

From: "Thomas Marsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> All:
> I didn't see a -user list for commons, so I'm posting this here. If
> there is a better place to post this, please let me know.

This is the best place to post.

> Has anyone used commons messenger with IBM's MQSeries?

Not yet AFAIK - though modifying the Messenger.xml config file a little and
it should work fine with MQSeries - if you get it working let us know and we
can add the MQ config file to CVS. We've already got config files for
JBossMQ, SpiritWave and AshnaMQ.

> I'm working on a project which will use IBM Websphere 4.0 Advanced
> Edition, which supports EJBs, but not MDBs.

Should be fine. Though if you're building a mostly EJB based system then
maybe MDBs might help - its worth taking a look at them. If you can't use
MDBs for any reason then Messenger is a great (simple) alternative without
requiring an EJB2.0 container - it'll work just fine in Tomcat.

> I figured we would have to write a listener, which would then pass off
> the message ID to a SLSB

Whats an SLSB?

> , which would then pull the message off the
> queue, run thru the business logic, and commit it.
> It looks like I could use the commons messenger classes to do some, if
> not all of this work.
> Am I barking up the right tree?

No I think you're certainly barking up the right tree. Messenger should make
it a little easier to work with JMS and if you're not using MDBs then
Messenger also provides a JMS 'application server' that can be deployed in
any Servlet engine, such as Websphere, to manage your subscriptions. So it
should be a good fit.


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