Bay wrote:

> This leaves a few other classes to 
> decide where they should go.

> 2) http. I imagine this would either 
> go into io or into HttpClient. io seems 
> most likely as HttpClient has a 
> different goal. 

IO sounds OK, but we may want to revisit that.  I'd like to see us factor
out some of the HTTP parsing/generating bits in HTTP Client so that they're
usable independent of the wire-level protocol (driven by some experiences
using an in-process Tomcat engine), in which case RequestUtils and HttpUtils
might be clean fit.  (I'm gonna send out a note on this and some related
HTTP Client (3.x?) ideas, probably next week.)

(I'm actually a little confused by the purpose of RequestUtils: shouldn't
header matching just be a matter of case-insensitive comparision?  Can
someone point to where/why RequestUtils is used?)

> 3) 'util' like classes.
>    Soundex 

> Soundex is used by Strings(StringUtil) so it's 
> tempting to send it with it into Lang. 

Soundex seems like an String encoding to me, so why not in the codec

 - Rod

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