Gerhard Froehlich wrote:
> Hi,
> >I have reviewed the customers JSP pages and found one page
> >where they were not wrapping their use of a db connection within a
> >try {} block.  I have informed them how to fix it.
> >
> >But this one page does not explain running out of connections in a pool
> >with a max of 75 connections.  In the logs that page only failed twice
> >during the run of Tomcat before it ran out of db connections.
> I know deadline is coming closer, customer is in a bad mood and the
> requirements are doubled during the project, but I recommend to avoid
> any SQL and Busines Logic in JSP. They are hard to debug and somehow
> that's dirty. IMHO JSP it's for presentation.

Yeah, I can't argue with that.  The problem is the customer wrote and
or contracted out work to develop the application.  I just have to worry
about hosting it.

Worse than using sql within a JSP, the customer turned almost their
entire web site into a bunch of JSP pages to dynamically generate
the content from a db.  But they only change the db 5-6 times a day.
So their pages generate all this load and are open to all kinds of
potential failures for what is essentially static content.  I strongly
recommended to them that they switch it over to a publish system where
they make changes to the db then generate the static html pages.
But of course the customer says they don't have time to do that,
they have something that "works".  This is for a site with 500,000
page views per month with spikes of 6-10k page views per hour.



Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
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Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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