> Worse than using sql within a JSP, the customer turned almost their
> entire web site into a bunch of JSP pages to dynamically generate
> the content from a db.  But they only change the db 5-6 times a day.
> So their pages generate all this load and are open to all kinds of
> potential failures for what is essentially static content.  I strongly
> recommended to them that they switch it over to a publish system where
> they make changes to the db then generate the static html pages.
> But of course the customer says they don't have time to do that,
> they have something that "works".  This is for a site with 500,000
> page views per month with spikes of 6-10k page views per hour.

yesterday, just out of curiosity I conducted some simple benchmark test
which measured how many pages per second can a client retrieve.

the client was a simple java program which requested pages from a given url
in a loop and then calculated the numbers. all network delays were eliminated
just by running it on the same computer, which is PII 350, running win NT.

first I gave it an url of jsp page served by tomcat 3.2. the maximum I got was 90 
then I gave it an url of jsp page served by resin: 196 pages/sec
on tomcat 4.0 it was: 189 pages/second
then I gave it an url of php page: 95 pages/sec
and finally I tested static html page served by apache: 208 pages/sec

of course this is not a real test, but however I got an impression that
the difference between static page and jsp (in some good container) is not that
big (of course if you don't do sql query from jsp).

Dmitry Skavish
Boston, MA, USA
tel. +1 781 370-6909

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