I was just talking with a coworker about how to build some automated tests
for our webapp, and sure enough Latka does a lot of what I was thinking.  I
had a few other todo items I might contribute, assuming I can get my client
to pay or can otherwise find the time.  I thought I'd bring up the ideas
first to get some feedback on whether this is going in a good or bad

1. meta process for test definition generation/maintenance
I'd like to define a "meta" XML file for a webapp that could declare
something like "all HTML pages and JSPs" in this webapp should be tested.
Then new meta process code would use that meta XML to check that the Latka
test definition meets these requirements... it would the recurse through the
files in a webapp and look for them in the latka test file.

If there were gaps, the meta check could either a) fail with a list of pages
that aren't included or (my preference) b) add them to the test file with
some comments (and stop before running the latka test).  By default it could
just require 200 status codes for those newly spotted pages.  The tester
could then look at the bottom of the latka test file, and cut and paste the
definitions up to suites or to more understandable places in the file, and
otherwise flesh out the validations.

2. JTidy for HTML validation
I would really like to be able to validate that the HTML in a site is well
formed.  I've tried doing it with a servlet filter, but using Latka would
make much more sense.  Ideally we could define the JTidy settings for a site
and whether to test all by default, and let individual requests override

3. Better ant/junit integration
I'd have to see what's already there, but as I use ant to do my builds
already, I'd like to have 2 custom taskdefs that will a) do the meta
checking that the latka tests are complete and b) run the latka test.


Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies - Unstoppable Websites

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