On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Costin Manolache wrote:

> Martin Cooper wrote:
> The question is: do we have to police it and monitor all forms
> of activities that happen on apache servers ? Because as far as
> I can see, there is no difference between a file placed by a
> jakarta commiters on his public_html or home and the files
> in commons-sandbox.
> We made it very clear that sandbox code can't be released,
> and the fact that it is accessible using public cvs and
> viewcvs is similar with the public_html files.
> I would propose to ask the sandbox to be removed from viewcvs
> and the eventually discuss what to do about the public cvs.
> As a way to protect ourself. I wouldn't mind if this is voted
> down :-)
> What do you think about this issue ? Any other proposed solutions ?

Script in cvs or on the machine which flags any file which does not start
with the Apache license or a 'THIS IS NOT LICENSED' License?


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