
> Victor Volle wrote:
> >>Just wanted to clarify the naming: what you call Attributes are not the
> >>same
> >>as what Berin calls Attributes.  Your Attributes are like my Fields.
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, I think so. Imagine a class "Foo" with an instance variable 
> > "bar". In the MetaModel the MetaClass Foo would have an
> > (Meta)Attribute that has the name "bar". This "bar" can have 
> > properties/extensions/attributes. 
> > 
> > What do you prefer?
> Be clear in your definitions.

I thought I was :-( 
(sorry, I am no native speaker)

> Attributes have a name and parameters.  They are not representing anything
> concrete in the class already.

Sorry, I do not get it. I really think that we might mean different 
things by the name of "attribute". 
Can your "attributes" be attributes of Classes only and represent
instance variables?
Are your "attributes" attributes of any 
MetaModelElement like Classes, Methods/Operations and 
Attributes/Fields. Then your "attribute" is something like
C# attributes? Adding some semantics to a model element.
And you would call my "attribute" a "field"?


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