Victor Volle wrote:

Victor Volle wrote:

Just wanted to clarify the naming: what you call Attributes are not the
as what Berin calls Attributes.  Your Attributes are like my Fields.

Yes, I think so. Imagine a class "Foo" with an instance variable "bar". In the MetaModel the MetaClass Foo would have an
(Meta)Attribute that has the name "bar". This "bar" can have properties/extensions/attributes.
What do you prefer?
Be clear in your definitions.

I thought I was :-( (sorry, I am no native speaker)
All I am saying is that we don't want to overload terms.  Use separate
terms for seperate concepts.

Attributes have a name and parameters.  They are not representing anything
concrete in the class already.

Sorry, I do not get it. I really think that we might mean different things by the name of "attribute". Can your "attributes" be attributes of Classes only and represent
instance variables?
Or: Are your "attributes" attributes of any MetaModelElement like Classes, Methods/Operations and Attributes/Fields. Then your "attribute" is something like
C# attributes? Adding some semantics to a model element.
And you would call my "attribute" a "field"?
My attributes are like the C# attributes.  That is the whole point of it.
I would call your attribute a Field, in the Java sense of it.


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