Does anyone know of a good apache-style license set of classes for helping
with JDBC stuff?

I'm thinking of things like:

1) A JdbcUtils which helps with closing rs, stat, conn. That simplifies
MetaData work, that has a ResultSetIterator [yes I know BeanUtils has one
of these, it's misplaced I think].

2) A sequence-number handler. Something that is very generic and
configurable at runtime. The code is out there it seems, but stuck inside
things like object-bridge and other large projects.

3) Possibly a continuation of the ResultSetIterator. A
java.util.Collection structure for viewing a JDBC connection.

4) An empty Driver wrapper set for people wanting to make quick hacks to
their driver. For example, Oracle's latest driver has some crap with
Timestamp. Easiest solution for me would be to take Commons JDBC Standard
Wrapper Driver, extend ResultSet and convert an oracle.sql.Timestamp to
java.sql.Timestamp without anyone noticing.

5) ??

Does such a thing exist?
Should it exist?

Should it be in sql? [I think not, unless the current sql wants a new name
:) sql seems to be concerned with other things]

Should ti be called jdbc?

I've got some bits that I can start with, so am happy to make a proposal
in sandbox, but thought I'd check no one has invented the wheel before.


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